Rapport de stage


Austausch Modeco Schneiderei in Zürich, Schweiz nach Oxford Int. Education Group Greenwich / Fashion Retail Academy in London Greenwich, England

Our names are Vivi and Olivia and we’re both 19 years old. We’re both employed at Modeco in Zurich as tailors, and when we got informed that we’d have the opportunity to go to London for four weeks, we jumped at it. We were able to visit a language course for two weeks and then learn how to sew a pocket baste, which is vital if you want to be a coat maker.

So we went to the Cambridge International School together with the other members of the Modeco group. The first day was a little bit chaotic because of all the new international students that arrived and who needed to be sorted, but very interesting and exciting as well. First we had a test that evaluated our level of use of English. Afterwards we were sorted according to our skills. Some people where together in the same class. Our school day started at 9 o’clock and lastet till half past 2. We thought it was a nice mixture between grammar and use of English. In the morning course the main topic was grammar with some exercises between partners. The lunchtime class was more talking with the teacher and together in class, and it was enjoyable for all people involved. The afternoon was for our own enjoyment. Most of the time, we went together in small groups to central London for sightseeing and discover new exciting places… or to be honest, shopping! Vivi was placed at a Savile Row tailor in the first two weeks, because she already has the CPE and it would’ve been a waste of a perfectly good opportunity to put into the language course regardless.

During the second two weeks, we learnt how to make a pocket baste. Victoria and Emma, our lovely instructors, walked us through various steps like cutting the fabric, basting everything, putting in pockets and pressing it properly. On our last day, where we fitted the coats to ourselves perfectly, we even went inside two of London’s best, namely Henry Poole and Dege & Skinner.