

Our stay in London

First week:
Travel: Our travel started at Zurich airport, where all of us met. I thought the travel was organized quite well. By the time we finally arrived al London Heathrow, there were a few problems with the border because a student of ours is Chinese and she needed to cross a
different border than the rest of us. after an hour of waiting, a bus picked us up at the airport and brought us to the carpark were a few of us met their host families for the first time.
Others (like myself) were picked up by a taxi. We all had a nice first evening with our host families, although i think a lot of us were quite shy at the first.
School: We spent the first week at the uic oxford international english school in greenwich. We met a lot of new people and improved our english with the help of some awesome teachers. I think it is the best school I’ve ever been to. Everyone was so friendly and openminded. I’m still in touch with a few of the students that I met there, which I think proves the social quality of the school.
Second and third week:
New ham college: The second and third week we studied at the new ham college. We drafted a pattern for a jacket to our own measurements and later we prepared the jacked for the first fitting. We learned about the way that bespoke tailors sew a jacket and how they create a draft. We also visited Savile Row, the most famous road for bespoke tailors such as Henry Poole and Gieves & Hawkes. It was really interesting to learn about the different cuts and styles every tailoring house has.
Forth week:
Fashion and textile museum London: For the forth an last week we worked in the fashion and textile museum London, near London bridge. We learned how to create a leaflet with the help of indesign and we learned how to use photoshop.
Travel back home: The travel back home went really smooth. We had no problems and
everyone was happy to see their family and friends again.
Social program: The social program is a program offered by the uic english school. There are a few different events every day and one major event per week, such as a trip to wales or a boat party or a trip to the Harry Potter studio tours. I think it’s amazing that they offer
such a program, because it really helps to get to know the people that go to the same school as you do and to improve your english.
Trip to Camden: Modeco organized a trip to Camden for us. We got there by train and underground. We had a guide with us who showed us the way to the center, were we were free to explore the town by ourselves. All of us went shopping (there’s not really much that
you could do except shopping to be fair).
Musical: We also went to see a musical called ‘in the heights’. I thought (and I think I’m right if I say the other ones thought so too) was really amazing. It was a modern musical but not over the top and not too crazy as most of the ‘modern’ projects are.
All in all:
Looking back to my time in England, I miss it already. It was an indescribable experience
and I wouldn’t hesitate for a second to say yes, if someone would ask me to do it again.